Weird Question for IT workers in health care

Just wondering and maybe just paranoid. Do IT workers have access to any documents saved locally on an employee laptop? Even if the employee obviously has documents with PHI? I’m guessing the only time IT would be able to access the documents is if they physically had the laptop in their hands or via remote access? Sometimes a laptop is left open but locked at the end of the day which I would assume would be the only time IT can remote access and see the files without the employee knowing?? A friend of mine had some weird files (of herself —eeee) that she has since gotten rid of but worried one IT guy in particular saw them. I’m not sure if he would have just started opening files though. Isn’t that against IT rules? Like I said we could honestly just be paranoid, but one of our hopes is that if she obviously had PHI on there too then he wouldn’t be allowed to access all her documents? Is there a way to see when the last time a document was opened by someone other than her?? Thanks!!! Any input - even if only answering one of the questions above - is greatly appreciated!!!!

submitted by /u/lakviam
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