What Cloud Certification's should I work on getting for my future Career ?

Hello. I am currently working in IT has a Sys Admin / Help Desk role. It is for a small business there is only 1 other IT guy at the company. So far it has been a great experience and I am very happy. Pretty much spend most of my time in Active Directory, and supporting our users. I set up all the accounts, devices, Office 365 platform (we use AD sync to sync from AD to Azure Active Directory) networks , software, you name it. Recently we setup a backup server using Azure Storage along with a Azure VM and I have found it to be really interesting and it has become a passion. Also I have been learning programming using open Source Unity Code (c#) which has been really fun but it is mostly a hobby of mine. I am dead set on the Cloud I believe everything will be cloud based in the future and I really enjoy doing it. Recently I have been thinking about my future career I am currently 26 years old, and I do not know how long I will be working for this company and want to plan ahead. I thought about going into networking but honestly it is not something I enjoy doing I find it to be boring. I want to pursue a Cloud Admin based career. As far as Certification's go which path should I choose ? Is the Comp TIA Cloud + a good starting point ? I have no idea. Can anyone provide me with some options ?

submitted by /u/Captkirk91
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