What are the steps to becoming an Ethical Hacker/Pen. Tester

Hello reddit, im very new to posting anything, but i have a dilema you may be able to help me with, considering it seems this website knows all.

I just graduated highschool and consider myself to ge tech savy, espically more than aversge at least, and I am heading to college for a degree in IT with a concbtration in Cyber security. But is that enough? Around where I live there are not many options and this seemed like the best major for me to go for. I dont think I will learn espically to much about Penetration testing, so what certifications will I need AND where would I go for these certifcations?

To go into the field of Pen testing and Ethical Hacking I hear that a lot of the time it is about the certifications that you have, not espically which degree it is (As long as it is IT related at least.) But where would I go to get these certificates? Udemy or something doesnt seem exactly legit, but im not sure.

So basically, where would I start to learn this trade, and what are trusted areas of the internet to teach me, or how would I even teach myself? (I have been trying but I continue to run into roadblocks like bad info, scam like areas, or money issues.) And is there anything extra I may be able to do while in college in order to further learning in this field?

Thanks for any feedback! Just confused on my position in life.

submitted by /u/woah_its_des
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