Advice regarding two jobs.

Hello, I'd like some advice regarding a choice between jobs I've got to do in the near future. I've got two jobs lined up regarding IT and I'd like to hear your opinions about what I should choose.

The first job is a servicedesk job in a 1st line capacity. I've had this kind of work before and I've worked with the company before, so I kind of know what I'm getting myself into if I were to choose this kind of job. Should I choose to take this job I might be able to get incident manager training should I choose to work 24/7, something which I foolishly choose not to do the last time I worked there. The primary downside is a longer commute and the fact that it'll be the same job as before, not that I didn't like it or anything like that it just won't be a new experience and I might learn less because of that.

The second job is working with internal IT, helping coworkers with their computers, setting up routers and so on. The work primarily concerns Macs, something which I've got limited experience using myself(most experience comes from school, which wasn't IT-focused) and which I have no experience supporting. I think that this job might be fun because it gives me the opportunity to learn a lot more about supporting other operating systems but also because the job is very different than my previous one. The primary downside with this job is my lack of experience working with MAC and that I find myself doubting myself whether I'll learn quickly enough(any information regarding supporting Macs would be greatly appreciated).

The salaries are nearly identical with the closer job offering about 100 € more. Any insight into any of these jobs, thoughts and opinions as well as personal experiences are greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/OneSadLad
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