Reinstalling a Win7 image after upgrading to Win10

I'm having difficulties resetting to an image created in Windows 7 Ultimate after upgrading to Windows 10 Pro. Both 64 bit.

I'm working at an English center in SEA. The office is chock full of bootleg Windows 7 systems. I'm taking it upon myself as the sole IT guy to upgrade all their machines to legit Windows 10. Using a spare machine, I created an image of the system to make sure I can revert back to it's original state should something weird happen during W10 installs. I've successfully upgraded it to 10, but I want to practice the reverse process to make sure I can do it smoothly.

I boot up the system into the advanced repair options, but selecting the "system image recovery" option gives me the error "The selected system image cannot be restored in this recovery environment."

Ultimately, if I can get to the Win 7 repair environment, I think I'm in the clear. I just can't seem to reach it. Checking google, I probably need a system repair disk. The system has no disc drive and I don't have the equipment to burn a repair disk, anyway. I read you should be able to use an OS install written on a USB to get to the system repair options, but the USBs I made through Rufus are just producing a black screen with a blinking cursor.

Knowing this info, what advice can you give me to successfully revert a Win 10 install back to a Win 7?

(If you need any other info, let me know and I'll try to provide.)

submitted by /u/ToastArtillery
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