I need guidance and some advice

Hello, I graduated in computer science 4 years ago, then i worked as graphic designer (was my hobby) and wordpress and seo stuff after my graduation, then i got an offer to work in business and after that i quit and went to Australia to pursue masters of information systems, this is my last semester.. my situation is complicated as i forgot most of what i learnt in university, i left IT for few years, so i want to start from scratch, because right now all i have is educational theories and concepts which is far from the practical knowledge..

I was curious between getting into database path or information security path or DevOps path .. what would you recommend for someone who don’t want sit all day infront of a laptop and just do coding, also less math Can someone tell me where to start? What basics should i learn now, i already started studying networking again , im just confused and don’t know where and how to start

submitted by /u/cyberdreamz
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