New to IT, am I going in the right direction?

Questions are at the bottom if you wanna skip my life biography :P

Hello all, I’m pretty new to the world of IT. I’ve always been into computers and a little above the average millennial (I think). Nothing cool just troubleshooting my family’s PCs, phones, wifi, etc. Nothing serious and nothing about code or any of that fun stuff.

Anyway I plan on entering a college for an IT diploma next September. There are 4 majors to choose from but the two I’m considering are Computer Systems and Networking Systems. Maybe software development however I’m not too interested in development (are there any other career routes through this major?).

Atm I’ve begun learning Python and HTML/CSS through Codecademy. I’ve done my research and although codeacademy isn’t optimal, I like it. I’m also going to start studying for the A+ and then Network+ certs using online resources (prof Messer and Mike Meyers). I figure might as well since I have a year before college.

Anyway my questions are:

1) What’s the next language after Python? I’m considering SQL or Ruby. (I plan on doing them all eventually)

2) I learned about Cloud Computing today when applying for retail at Apple. What do they do (for example at Apple or Microsoft)?

3) What SHOULD I be studying and learning as a beginner? What’s the best place to start for either Computer or Networking systems?

submitted by /u/Anonuser0821
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