What do you specialize in and how do you rate your job satisfaction?

Prior military. I've been in the industry a few years doing helpdesk (dod side) and I'd like to branch out and start taking on more advanced roles and positions but I'm not sure what my end goal is. When asked what I intend to specialize in, I have no idea. I have my associates degree and numerous technical certifications some basic, and some advanced but my skills and certs are varied without a focus in any one particular area. I feel as though I'm stagnating in my career and that I'm wasting my time by pursuing higher tier certs or training in a specialty that may not require or need them. My peers and colleagues have a specialty or career goal in mind already (Cybersecurity,sysadmin,network engineer,programmer etc) and they are taking steps to achieve it whereas I feel as though I'm just grabbing things aimlessly and a large portion of what I've learned won't be useful down the road. I guess what I'd like to know is: for those of you who have gone on to be sysadmins,serveradmins, cloudprogrammers,webdevs etc. What do you do? How would you rate your job satisfaction? And do you regret going the route that you did?

submitted by /u/master40mins
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