College dropout looking for advice.

Hey everyone. I'm a 20 year old college dropout, made it up to my 2nd semester of college before some stuff at home made have to unfortunately drop out.

I may have dropped out, but I'm currently studying for my cisco CCENT/CCNA routing and switching. I also have a year's worth of experience, and do hold a PCPro cert, along with a year's worth of experience as an intern at my high school in their IT department.

Theoretically, once I pass my Cisco certs, do you guys think I'll have any issue getting an entry level IT job? As I'm currently approaching the end of the ICND 1 100-105 book, I'm starting to doubt that this will all be for naught, and I won't be able to find anything due to being a dropout. I would go back, but money's still tight, and still owing the college some money hurts me trying to reenter.

submitted by /u/ThatZeldaFan50
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