Pimp My 4G LTE - Helping out a friend.

I have a background in WISPs but have not done this specific setup before.

I have a friend who has a pretty remote rural piece of property in central Texas that he is homesteading. No internet there other than spotty cellular.

I am thinking about a AT&T or T-Mobile data SIM and a Mikrotik SXT LTE kit-US or LHG LTE kit-US.

I had him download this signal app and walk outside and hold his phone up, attached is the screenshot. Doesn't seem too awful. I'm like 99% sure cricket uses AT&T towers. He's mostly going to be gaming, which might take like 50-200 Kbps after all the game files are fully downloaded.

I found several cell towers that he has LOS to, according to solwise. Some look like they may have fresnel issues. I'm not sure what the tolerances are for LTE, as I mostly worked with 5Ghz. See attached. I kept tower height at 30m to play it safe.

Anybody have any advice/experience they can share?

Pics: https://imgur.com/a/866Ifp5

submitted by /u/CasumWallum
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