How to automate and program when the company you are at is fairly "anti-technology"

So at little but about me... I'm not going to say I am an IT/programming wiz by any means. I've done integrations (getting two programs to communicate with each other and push/pull between each other), looked through audit code (both accounting and programming), but what I am best at is what I call automation. Basically, I automatically process anything that isn't an exception. I pretty much just take existing code and tweak it, but I sometimes write code using other code as inspiration if that makes sense. I will say my degree is in Accounting Information Systems, but I am also going back for a second degree in Computer Science. I haven't made the jump to professionally writing object oriented code (other than obviously using objects), but I have done a lot of what I believe is called procedural coding (If I am using the wrong vocabulary, I apologize, I self taught myself before getting professional education). I must have been somewhat decent though, because previous to this company, I was highly encouraged to do what I did and the previous companies had huge IT teams... so I would think someone would have stopped me if I sucked. Maybe I wasn't good though... to be honest I'm not too sure how "good" I am.

I should mention that I absolutely mentioned all the technology skills I had on my resume. I also specifically asked if they were paperless (they said no) and we discussed it. I do not feel like I hid that I definitely did more than just accounting.

Anyway, a little bit about the company... We outsource our IT department and the person specializes only in security and hardware. And that is it for the IT department. I still work in accounting and have brought a paperless system to the company, but I am having an extremely hard time with anything else. It isn't for a lack of trying. I write code (or look it up), then write out what it is doing on the highest level, then what each individual line of code is doing. Then I present this only to be tuned down over and over. One of the reasons recently stated was that basically that they didn't know what it did, so they didn't want it. Basically, if it isn't already "built-in" to the programming, they just are not interested. So I research other programs that are available and it is still like I am hitting a brick wall.

I get they can run their company however they want to, but a huge problem is they can not keep people, keep up with orders or really keep up with anything. People are working a ton of hours, getting burnt out and leaving. Another powerhouse company in the same field is buying out our competition and encroaching on what is called "our territory". And, I'm starting to get very low level projects (basically glorified Excel projects and thank goodness they aren't scared of huge formulas even if they don't understand them)...and my concern is that that they DO see the technology other companies have and want that, but...they aren't really, well, technology friendly. Even production is still mostly hand assembly.

And it really just bums me out. Obviously, for selfish reasons, I am just not challenged at my job and I would like to be, but I look around and see so much that technology can help with and good people being blamed for our technology's shortcomings.

I am to the point where I feel like a little education can go a long way and I offered training in Excel and programming over my lunch to anyone who is interested, but like most ideas, that will probably die as well. The IT person has expressed interest in what I was doing in ny class (I do schoolwork over my lunch hour), which sparked me offering luncheon training.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Is there anything that can be done? Should I decline projects they give me based on my concern that they will likely ask for something that is beyond what their current software can do (knowing they won't upgrade and it will just be a poopshow)?

Be brutally honest if I am full of crap as well, maybe it is a case that I think I can help, but maybe the IT person is much smarter than me and knows I will do more damage than good. I am going to school to learn, after all, so I can completely accept that I just suck now.

submitted by /u/HolyMoleyCow
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