Looking to break into the IT field-Need advice!

Hello redditors, I'm a 23 year old that's really interested in starting a career in IT, and am looking for as much advice as I can possibly grab! For a bit of background: * I have 1.5 years of at least somewhat-relevant college experience under my belt. Business administration/computer science major, left bc college is expensive, the usual. I'm willing to finish out at least an associate's if it'd be helpful, though it's definitely not high on my immediate priority list (bc expensive lol) *I have tons of direct customer service experience (4 years retail, 3 in management, and have been an account coordinator for the past few months. *I've picked up a lot of technical skills through work, but definitely not near the level of an IT professional.

In general, I'm just looking for some guidance from anyone that's currently in the field on how I should go about breaking in! I've looked up certs such as Comptia A+ and Network+ (I'd like to work my way up to network administration), but have also heard that vendor-specific certs could be more useful. I'm willing to finish out an associate's degree if it'd help my chances, but it's admittedly a last-resort for me. I'm also curious on what resources I may need to invest in to properly study for any certs that anyone may recommend! I'm an avid Udemy.com user, and have no problem buying a few books, but what's the best way to get the hands-on experience that I'd need to pass exams/convince hiring managers that I can handle the job?

I'm more than willing to take a pay cut to land an entry level job once I get to that point, but I just need as much advice as possible on how to get there before I start randomly buying exam prep books lol. Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/ZXQez
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