Wanting to get into an IT field as a career

Hey everyone, I am almost 26 and trying to decide on a career path with room to expand and grow.

I've always loved computers and played in html and coding, as well as basics of routers, wifi and general computer issues.

I live in Butte county in California so sadly there isn't a large amount of companies I see ever hiring, I was thinking of trying for even just a basic level 1 job with Comcast to get my foot in the door.

Would it be better to go to school or get certs?

My only worry about schooling is I might move in the next 1 to 2 years for better job opportunities.

I know it's asked alot but any thoughts or tips for a slightly different scenario like this?

Thanks in advance everyone!

EDIT:Typos and on mobile

submitted by /u/Hwzb
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