Throwaway users and being a public figure

In the future I'd like to do a job that implies being a known public figure (I'd like to either be into politics or try to be famous with my art).

Recently I had made myself two throwaway Reddit users to talk about stuff that I needed to talk about with someone as I couldn't keep them inside.

Those things might be considered controversial, and even if they are not against the law, might still create an image damage to a public figure.

Now; I have deleted one of the two account but a post is still up, and it can be found if someone properly knew how to search it, while the other one got every comment and post deleted.

How much should I be scared about this for my future? Cause I didn't think about that before and now I feel a lot of anxiety because of that, cause it kinda makes me doubt about my future and all.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/DjUfo21
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