Virtual Job Fair Advice

Hello all,

So I have a virtual job fair coming up (and this is my first job fair I've been to actually). I'm an IST (information science and tech) major and am looking to make a good impression on a company and try and help my chances for an internship. I scheduled a few individual 10 minute 1-on-1 sessions with either recruiters for that company or with engineers or analysts at the company. I'm wondering what I should ask, or what I should expect to be asked during this session.

Never been to a job fair before so I don't know if they like ask you questions or if they expect to be asked the questions. I'd like to get a data analysis related internship (but I'll honestly take whatever I can get). I'm a smart and good student but I'm lacking in the coding department is all. I've only just began learning Java and Python. I know SQL and R will be coming later down the road in my coursework. I'm not concerned that I don't know a whole lot of programming, I'm just not sure how to sell myself without it I guess. Any help would be awesome on how I could nail this and make a great impression!


submitted by /u/SalamanderNick
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from IT

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