Career/College advice

So currently I'm finishing my business admin transfer degree and am planning on eventually getting a bachelor's in MIS. Unfortunately most of my classes so far have been useless business stuff so I really have no relative experience or knowledge besides basic computer support (I work in a computer lab so I regularly help people out with troubleshooting printing or using excel. Basic stuff). My plan is to get a help desk job on campus and work there for the 2 remaining years that I have left and try to get my A+ and maybe Network+ before I graduate. My question is this: What else can I do to increase my chances to land a good paying job right after college? What advice would you give to make myself the best candidate to land a 50k+ job out of college with MIS? That's my biggest concern. Is a degree really even worth it? My remaining schooling will only be like 10k so I will most pursue it either way. If I were to do it all over again I would have done computer science but I didn't realize that until it was too late. Any advice is appreciated. THANKS!

submitted by /u/futuremetro
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