Should I get a Masters Degree in Information Technology or Information Systems?

I am planning on pursuing a Masters of Science in Information Technology, however I am conflicted as I’ve read many posts saying a Masters in the field is useless.

A little background on myself: I have 3 years of IT work experience, and a bachelors degree in Liberal Studies (tried to switch to Information Technology but with the amount of credits I already had, I was too close to graduating). I have an A+ cert and plan on earning more in the future. My plan is to become an Enterprise Architect or work for an IT consulting firm, with being a DBA and/or Project Manager as intermediary roles.

Since my undergraduate degree isn’t technology related, I assumed earning a masters would help my overall profile. It would take me about 2-3 years to finish the degree, and I will still be working and gaining more experience/certs during that time. From what I’ve read, however, a masters in IT apparently won’t be very helpful since it’s not business-oriented, and might even put-off hiring managers. Would I be better suited to pursue a Masters in Information Systems, since it will still be technology-related with more of a business concentration?

submitted by /u/thechillpoint
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