So how good is the job market...REALLY though

TLDR: I live in the OC and want to know how plentiful IT positions are in the OC

Hi internet, you’re a beautiful mess today as always and I wouldn’t have it any other way

So I’m about to graduate with a degree in ISDS (info sys & decision sciences) and I currently am an IT Intern for a rather large corporation (Fortune 200). It’s okay, but I’m only getting 14.50 p/h full time with no benefits.

They want me to work there for a year as an intern

I live in Orange County, CA so as you can imagine...that doesn’t really add up for me with bills and tuition payments on the way.

I’m moving to south county after I graduate so my room mates will be closer to their jobs, probably close to Irvine. In IT (I plan on getting my CCNA RP and other security certs post college) is it actually as easy to find a job as everyone makes it seem? Is there really that much of a demand? Is Irvine a good place to look? I currently am getting pretty great experience at this Corp that I work for but they don’t have a lot of happy employees for various reasons. Also, when we move I’ll be rather far from work, and I will have to get a car (currently only have a motorcycle)

I’ve been looking and I’ve seen plenty of positions sure, but with CA there’s also always a lot of applicants. I’m wondering how crowded the field is, from some of you further down the road than I

submitted by /u/reyming
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