Hey, need help with a class project.

So i had a class project that was originally meant to be a face to face interview, but was revised to be asked through email or an online platform due to Covid-19. Its a 15 question questionnaire, and i have to find someone currently in IT, I would love if someone could take a few minutes and help me out here.

  1. How critical is IT to your type of business?

  2. What benefit does your company realize from utilizing IT?

  3. What percentage of your company budget is allocated to IT functions?

  4. Do you foresee IT playing an increasing or decreasing role in company operations in the future?

  5. What types of skills are required of your IT staff?

  6. How is IT training handled in your company?

  7. Is the IT department considered a cost center or a profit center?

  8. If your IT department stopped functioning, how much of an impact would it make on the rest of the company?

  9. How do you keep your IT staff up to date on current technology?

  10. What degrees or certifications are required as a new hire with the IT department?

  11. Do you think more company resources will be given to IT as time passes?

  12. Are IT positions growing or reducing in terms of demand?

  13. Is it hard for your company to find well experienced IT staff?

  14. What parts of your company does your IT staff directly affect?

  15. what current tech trends are impacting your company in a significant way?

If you guys would like to help out a guy in dire need it would be highly appreciated, And Thanks in advance for your time!

submitted by /u/Bk216
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from IT https://ift.tt/2xtsg9c

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